Now everyone knows that you have to give your Mom some flowers for Mother's Day, right? But I'm not a big fan of cut flowers, they just die, so we made our own. These can be kept for years and years.

I think the reason I like these SO much is that they were made from scraps of paper and recycled mailing tubes that I retrieved from the garbage last summer. We even used some shredded paper (not sure you can see it) for dirt. I wish I had one of these of my son's hand. Hmmm . . . do you think I could talk a 24 year old police officer into making one of these?????
We didn't forget our letter of the week. "Y" is a difficult letter to learn. Not a lot of fun "Y" words but I tried. We take all different color yard and wrap it around a "Y" cut from poster board scraps. For some reason the children adore this. They sit longer than I ever expect and wind the yarn, round and round.
Fine motor skills; I like it! Here is our "Yarn Y" -
Of course we spent the entire week "Y"awning and using the color "Y"ellow as much as possible. We also put a "Y"awn in our mouth as we traveled down the hall. FUN, FUN, FUN!

Our Fabulous Fun Friday came way to soon this week. We wanted to make one more little surprise for our Moms. Luckily for me, my dear friend, Myra, told me about making a flower from styrofoam cups! OOOOOOHHHH yes, a science experiment AND a Mother's Day gift all in one - PERFECT! We started with a styrofoam cup and colored it with markers and crayons (just a note, the crayons did much better).

I hope you will come back and check on us as we finish up our school year and talk about the letter "Z"!
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