Sunday, February 3, 2013

Love Notes Link Up!

Amy over at Literacy and Laughter started a "Love Notes" link up to get to know the people behind the blog.  Hmmm . . . I guess most people don't know me or not very much about me, so I thought I would play along.  Here we go . . .

"Lovely List"
Name: Karen
Grade You Teach:  Pre-K
State:  Alabama
Favorite Color(s):  Red, White and Blue
Lucky Number:  9
Favorite Subject You Teach:  Math
Go To Snack:  Chips
Favorite TV Show:  Big Bang Theory
Last Movie You Watched:  The Help
Music You Are Loving Right Now:  Anything from the 60's & 70's
Always Shopping At:  Walmart
Word of the Day:  Happy
"Love Links”

share links to…
a blog you are loving right now:

Your Valentine or February pin board:
 A Product You Adore:
My Cricut Imagine!!!!
What did I do without this thing???

"We’d all love to know…”

What are your favorite hobbies or what do you enjoy doing during your free time?
I love heading to our lake house!
Your favorite vacation destination?
Again, it is the lake!  And do you blame me??
The best advice you’ve been given?
What are you known for?
Being a little bit different
(or maybe a lot different depending on who you ask)!
Most rewarding part of teaching?
Seeing a child do something he/she just told me she couldn't do!
 2 random facts:
My son is getting married to an amazing girl!!
I am a closet artist!

The Loves of Your Life:
Share a picture(s) of your LOVES


Please consider creating your LOVE NOTE post and linking up.

PLEASE be sure to include a LINK BACK to this post.
 Looking forward to reading all of your posts!!! :)


  1. I have a Cricut Imagine also and just love it! Congrats on your son getting married!

  2. I am new to the linky party but have read many, if you have a minute could you tell me how to do it? Thanks, Liz

    1. Absolutely! Head on over to and copy her questions and paste them into your blog. Answer the questions and when you are done go back to literacyandlaughter's blog and add your link at the bottom (there are instructions to guide you through it).
      GOOD LUCK! I hope you join us!!!

  3. Hi Karen,

    Thanks for linking up. I am LOVING reading and learning more about you all! Your family is ADORABLE! : ) Your son and his fiancee look SO happy!! What an exciting time for your family.


  4. So sweet!! You will have so much fun planning your son's wedding. My husband and I have been together for 16 years, but married for 9. I am reading all the linky participants. We didn't join this one, but am glad I found your blog through it. We are now following. Come visit sometime.
