Sunday, November 4, 2012

Positively Perfect P Week

I know, I know, I say this all the time - this was my favorite week!  We managed to have so much fun packed into 5 short day!  Let's just jump right into our week -

On Monday we decided to introduced the letter "P" by making our Pink and Purple Penguin with Polka-dots.  (OH MY, that is a mouthful for sure.)  These were such a fun way to work on our imagination and fine motor skills.  

These two were macaroni penguins and I hope you can see that the penguin on the left has a fish in her mouth.  I love that!  What an imagination!  Of course we spent the entire day waddling like penguins and giggling because we could not fly.

Tuesday was spend making our very own personalized pumpkins.  Everyone had their choice of colors.  They were very interesting to say the least.  I cut out a variety of different size pumpkins.  Some were tall and thin, some were short and fat, and others were tall and fat.  Everyone got a choice (NOTE: I always cut out way too many of each type.  That way everyone never has to settle for what is left-over.).  Next, deciding on a color.  For some it was very difficult "thinking outside the box".  "Pumpkins are orange" I was told several different times.  Finally, my message was received - it is YOUR pumpkin, what color do YOU want it to be.  AHHHHHH success!

I also had different size stems.  Everyone choose their stems and painted them their own special color.  The pumpkin leaves were our hand prints in (of course) any color they wanted.  Now, here comes the sad part . . .  I forgot to take a picture of our final product.  But trust me - you really need to do this.  It was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time taking their imagination to a new level.

No really fun "P" week would be complete without a Pajama Party!  And what a Pajama Party we had!!!  Everyone came to school dressed in their P.J.'s and brought their pillows.  We ate popcorn and watch a movie (Mary Poppins, of course!).
What fun!

Now, FINALLY the most PERFECT day arrived!!! POLICEMAN DAY!  My sweet, sweet son, Officer Jay arrived to talk to us about being and police officer.  In his honor we made a police car out of shapes.
Forgive me please while I act like a proud mom and share some of the pictures from our Police Day 2012.
Yes, I'm really that proud!

Officer Jay!

Looking at Officer Jay's handcuffs.

Explaining his uniform.

Yes, he has a real gun!


His bullet proof vest.

Two really great guys!

Yes, "P" week was PERFECT!


  1. So Cute!! Our P week is coming up and I might need to use those polka dot penguins! Nice job....

  2. Oh, that truly is sweet! If all police officers looked as friendly and approachable as your son, they would be in EVERY preschool class! :O>

    I appreciate your teaching philosophy, emphasizing the importance of being yourself -- thanks for making a blog that is delightful to browse and helpful to many!

    Let me return some of the fun by inviting you to come by for some printable Fran's Freebies on my blog:

    I just added some free Big and Little cards today, along with a packet of sizes worksheets with big colorful graphics. I love making preschool stuff, heehee!
