Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quiet Spray is Just for Fun!

Okay, let's clear something up right now!  THERE IS NOTHING IN THE QUIET SPRAY BOTTLE!  I have seen several comments where people talk about "spraying the children like a dog".  There's nothing in the bottle!  It is meant to be FUN and SILLY!  Lighten up people!  Sorry, about the rant!  But come on, I LOVE and TEACH children, I do not HARM or BERATE them!


  1. Hahahahaha! People thought you had something IN the spray bottle! Too funny! Great idea- I'm going to make one today- my preKs will love it!

    I love your web site BTW- it always has wonderful ideas and helps keep me charged up and ready to teach!

  2. Oh good grief! People are having issue with the spray bottle? They really do need to lighten up!! I thought this was a GREAT idea! I know my kids would respond well to it, and it's just fun!

  3. Dear Lord - sometimes I do wonder about people , maybe these are the ones that account for some peanut packets having 'may contain nuts' on them!!

  4. Oh goodness! I use a similar version for "stay in your seat" spray and "thinking cap" spray. I freely confess that I'm not above using a little "teacher magic". I guess that could easily be misconstrued, too! :)

  5. cute idea- very imaginative, right where the kiddos are at :-)

  6. This tells me you can't control your class. My daughter's religious class teacher filled it with water. She would spray the kids if they were bad. Or show kids what happens if you get in trouble. This is grooming and abuse. It's disgusting. You are perpetuating this.
