Thursday, December 30, 2010

Playing Catch Up - Part II

Christmas time in Mrs. Karen's Class is always busy! This year was especially busy and fun because we joined together with Mrs. Christi's class on Mondays and Fridays. I like joining the classes because it gives us all a chance to meet and make new friends. Our Christmas tree was a perfect example of making something new out of something old. The old part came from the left-over scrapbooking supplies. I mixed up all the paper and the students tried to put the paper in decending order. They were all so good!
We also worked on our alphabet. The letter "J" was fun. We talked a lot about Christmas being a time when we celebrate Jesus' birthday. We even made a fun little jacket to go over our "J".

Of course no Pre-school Christmas would be complete without those wonderful gifts to our parents! As always we dressed up like little angels, no really, angels, see . . .
Then we made little manager picture frames out of craft sticks.

We made our own wrapping paper from butcher paper and stamps. This year we decided to make light bulb stamps. The children stamped and then after they dried I added the details!I thought they were so cute! Hmmmm . . . maybe next year I'll make some for my presents!

Of course we just had to make some Christmas cookies. This year we headed to kitchen and made "Christmas Ornament" cookies. Just a few 'Nilla Wafers, icing and sugar sprinkles make the most yummy cookies ever!

I can't wait to see what January and the year 2011 brings!!!


  1. What cute ideas! Thanks for linking up with TBA's Christmas Craft Linky Party! :)

  2. Oi Karen. Sou brasileira e professora de crianças. Amei conhecer sua página. São ideias maravilhosas e com certeza vou usar na minha turma. Também tenho uma página, é o Blog da Tia Jaque (

    Abraço! Deus abençoe!

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