We painted our pigs with our regular paint and let them dry. It doesn't should like a whole lot of fun but if you "oink" while you paint, you start to giggle! After they dried, we added "Mrs. Karen's Special Mud"! It is a fun mixture of . . . .
The "let's just use one finger" method -
And then there is MY favorite, "LET'S DO THIS!" method -
The "how" part didn't really matter, it was the "fun" that counted! All-in-all our pigs were "perfect"!
We also spent our circle time talking about pigs and how they use mud to cool off.
Tuesday turned into an "R" day. We talked about letter of the week and rabbits! If you are a follower of my blog you know that I really enjoy "reusing" items in my classroom (and at home too!). I don't believe in spending a lot of money to have fun. Our "R"ed "R"abbit is a perfect example of this. We started with a good 'ole toilet tissue roll and painted it red.
After it dried, we added a face, some ears and a tail - instant "Red Rabbit"!
Our circle time was spent talking about rabbits and everyone tried to "hop" everywhere we went!
Wednesday's are always a fun day for us because we get to spend 30 minutes in the "big" gym with my good friend, Mrs. Nancy. We call it "Wednesday Wiggles". It really is a preschool version of a Physical Education class. There are about 40 children in each class and we work on group activities and following instructions. I love when everyone runs in the door screaming "is it wiggles day?". And since wiggles is so much fun, I have to make sure my classroom time is fun too. SSSOOOOO, this Wednesday we talked about roosters. We cock-a-doodle-dooed ALL day and spent our circle time talking about roosters. We also made a wonderful rooster to take home.
He was quick and fun. (Quick note: Next time we will make him red!).
Thursdays are always busy for us, but not too busy to talk about horses! We galloped along as we neighed and made our hand print horses.
Finally, it was Friday and time for REAL fun! I don't think anyone was disappointed with this week's "Fabulous Fun Friday"! We started with a recycled sheep project. This was GREAT for our fine motor skills and everyone had a fun time. First we wound the yard (your choice of colors of COURSE!) around a piece of old recycled cereal box.
Next, we added a head and some clothes pins for legs. Instant recycled sheep!
Our Auburn and Alabama Sheep!
Our blue sheep!
Since we were talking about sheep, we headed to the kitchen to make our snack. We made sheep cookies, of course!
Our science experiment of the week was all about the letter "R"! We made raisins and rice dance!
I'm not sure where I found the original experiment but, Dancing Raisins is a great link. I changed it up a little by adding a little red food coloring and using rice too. We did the experiment at around 10:00 a.m. and by 1:00 p.m., the raisins and rice were still moving! Everyone loved them!
We had a busy week! Next week is all about the letter "Z" and the zoo. It is our last week before our Spring Break so I will be pulling out a bunch of new ideas. Thanks for visiting with us and I hope you will come back soon.
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